Where Breath is Life


At The Oceanic Yogi, we invite you to dive into a unique and enriching yoga experience that celebrates the beauty of the ocean and the universal practice of yoga. Our classes are designed for individuals of all ages and body types, ensuring that everyone can find a sense of belonging within our vibrant community.

Yoga begins on the inside and with the breath, anyone can do yoga. Whether you're a child, a senior, a beginner, or an experienced yogi, our instructors tailor each session to accommodate various skill levels and physical abilities. We welcome you to explore more about us and our style of classes.

Come flow with us, and let the ocean's rhythm guide your practice.

Class Styles


Residential Yoga

Power Yoga

Private Yoga



“As you breathe in, cherish yourself. As you breathe out, cherish all beings.”

— Dalai Lama